Monday, April 19, 2010


I am starting my detox regiment today...  I am on a liquid diet and I am taking cleanse pills and green tea.  After one week, I will begin my healthy eating regiment.  I know it may be hard for some people to understand, but I am one of those people that can't stop eating bad food.  I have tried a hundred different ways.  The best way for me to do it, is to devoid my body of all the bad stuff and then replace it with good stuff.  Also, the detox week shrinks my stomach, so I'm not as inclined to eat as much.  It helps me to take my mind off of food, believe it or not.  It is like, because I can't eat, I don't have to think about it.  I just live on smoothies, yogurt, water, anything I don't have to chew.  It doesn't matter what it is.  As long as I don't have to chew it.  It may sound extreme, but it's worth it in the long run.  I will be a healthier person.  :) Well, that's the plan anyway.

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